Kamis, 13 September 2012

janjiku :)

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.


♥ Jika kelak akulah yang terpilih menjadi seorang permaisuri dalam istana hatimu,
Akan aku baktikan segenap jiwa dan ragaku sebagai seorang isteri dengan sepenuh cinta karena niat ibadah kep...See More
Assalamu'alaikum WR.WB.


♥ If I later elected a Queen Consort in the Palace of your heart, I Will baktikan all thy soul and ragaku as a wife with all my love because the intention of worship to him who became the basis utamaku.

♥ If I would be your life companion is destined,
I will always be ready to dock port as your love upon when you're tired with all the lelahmu.

♥ If I am later lauh mahfudz in for you, I Will make myself your eyes view of conditioning. In order for you to feel comfortable when being on my side. Will I continue to grow in love without knowing the sense of tiredness.

♥ If I later elected partner, rusukmu bone
Will I make the angels of heaven with jealous beauty akhlakku the berbalutkan faith and ketakwaan.

♥ If I was elected, bidadarimu
Will I make it myself as one who always obedient and respectful to you.

♥ And if elected I would be the mother of your children,
Will I make it myself being a MOM is good for your children. Will I make myself a wife who is always loyal mendampingimu in love and grief. Until we grow old together till death do us part.

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